Did you know that facial acupuncture is so relaxing that some of my clients fall asleep during the treatment! Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into acupoints on the face (and the body) to help reduce puffy or droopy eyes, to reduce lines and furrows, to plump the skin, improve skin colour and tone, lift saggy jowls and help you look younger, naturally.
Prior to starting the treatment, your acupuncturist will take a full case history and discuss any health issues with you. At my practice, all facial acupuncture treatments are tailored to meet your individual health needs. Many clients report that in addition to looking and feeling better they also feel more energised and other minor health complaints improve too.
About Facial Acupuncture
Also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture or facial revitalisation acupuncture, Facial Acupuncture is a natural anti-ageing treatment involving the insertion of fine hair-like needles into specific points on the face (and body).
Facial acupuncture can be used as a natural non-surgical alternative to facial injections, fillers and chemical beauty treatments. But it is much more than a cosmetic procedure. Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, facial acupuncture is a revitalisation process which works at a deep level stimulating physiological healing processes to help the whole body look and feel better.
Benefits of Facial Acupuncture
- Increased blood and lymph circulation to the face
- Improved skin tone, moisture and texture
- Improvements in skin colour and balance (whether too red or too pale)
- Increased collagen production
- Reduction in fine lines, deep furrows and wrinkles
- Eyes are brightened
- Eye bags may be reduced or eliminated
- Facial puffiness reduced or eliminated
- Muscles in the face and neck toned and tightened, double chins minimised
- Droopy eyelids, eyebrows, jowls and turkey necks can be lifted and toned
- Pore size regulated
- Visible stress lines diminished
Patients often report feeling energised after facial acupuncture treatments and may notice improvements in other aspects of their health, such as their circulation, digestion, hormone balance, sleep or hair. Enhancing hormone balance may improve skin conditions such as dry skin and hormonal acne.
Judy’s facial acupuncture treatments are completed with a deep stimulating facial massage leaving you feeling wonderfully revitalised.
The effects of facial acupuncture vary according to the prior condition and lifestyle of the patient. In some cases facial acupuncture may erase as many as five to fifteen years from the face. A study published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture (1996) of 300 subjects treated with cosmetic facial acupuncture in China, showed marked effects in 90% of cases after just one course of treatment. The effects are cumulative with results progressing throughout the course of the treatment.
“The results of Judy’s acupuncture exceeded my expectations. After trying all conventional methods to manage my premature peri-menopausal symptoms I finally went to see Judy. I had the usual symptoms – sweats, sleepless nights, mood swings, and not so usual effects – very puffy eyes. After a series of sessions with Judy, which included facial rejuvenation acupuncture my symptoms disappeared. Judy’s facial acupuncture has now become part of my regular ‘maintenance’ routine as the results are so impressive.”
Maxine, Tunbridge Wells.