Judy Bowen-Jones

Gift Vouchers

Treatment vouchers make great gifts for Birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day.

Vouchers for treatments with Judy Bowen-Jones can be ordered and purchased online. Vouchers can be personalised and you can choose whether to have them sent to you or directly to the recipient. £1.50 will be added to the voucher value to cover postage & packaging.

  1. Fill in the order form below indicating how much you want to spend, the name of the recipient and address for delivery (plus your details of course)
  2. On receipt of your order, I will create an invoice via Paypal which will be emailed to you
  3. Once this invoice has been paid, I will issue the voucher to your preferred address via First Class post, usually within 3 working days

If you have have any questions about ordering a voucher, please call Judy on 07593 341439.

Terms & Conditions: Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of the voucher and may not be exchanged for cash.

    Your Name (required)

    Voucher Amount in £

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