Bea, Jack & Baby G, Tunbridge Wells
Acupuncture for Fertility, Pregnancy & Induction of Labour
"Judy, Thank you so much for all my accupuncture treatments over the last 18 months, and for your kindness, support and advice over this time. I firmly believe the accupuncture contributed to my timely and smooth labour. My contractions started properly just 2 hours after my appointment, and Baby G was born less than 36 hours later, missing her due date by just 4 hours - which is pretty good for a first time Mum.
I have always really enjoyed my visits to you and you helped me through some very low and anxious times. I had hoped to visit for some post birth treatments, but sadly coronavirus has prevented that. I will definitely be seeking your help when it is time for baby number 2 and I will certainly be recommending you to any pregnant friends of mine. All the best xxx "