Acupuncture for Back Pain and Sciatica
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Back Pain, Lumbago and Sciatica
Back pain is the most common condition treated by acupuncture.
Back pain may involve the muscles, nerves, bones, joints, discs, soft tissues and other structures in the back. Most commonly, back pain is in the lower back (lumbago), but it may be felt anywhere from the neck down to the hips. Back pain may be acute (lasting less than 6 weeks), sub-acute (6-12 weeks) or chronic (over 12 weeks). The pain may be intermittent or constant, stay in one place or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache extending over a wider area or a sharp or burning sensation in a more specific area. Back pain may radiate into the arms or legs and include symptoms of tingling, weakness or numbness, suggesting nerve involvement.
Most cases of back pain are not caused by serious damage or disease but by minor sprains, strains or injuries, or a pinched or irritated nerve. Back pain may be triggered by bad posture while sitting or standing, bending awkwardly, or lifting incorrectly. If your back pain is associated by any “red flag” symptoms, such as rapid weight loss, chest pain, urinary problems, fever or problems with feeling or movement, seek urgent medical advice.
Sometimes, back pain can be caused by an injury or disease, such as a slipped disc (when one of the discs in the spine is damaged and presses on the nerves), whiplash (a neck injury caused by sudden impact, such as a car accident), frozen shoulder or ankylosing spondylitis (a long-term condition causing pain and stiffness where the spine meets the pelvis) or sciatica. If there is not a clear cause, back pain is described as ‘non-specific back pain’.
Most cases of back pain will get better on their own. It is important to remain active and continue daily activities as far as possible. Conventional treatment includes pain relief medication and application of hot/cold packs. Treatment of chronic back pain may include use of stronger pain killers, acupuncture, exercise classes, manual therapy such as physiotherapy, osteopathy or chiropractic, cognitive behavioural therapy, and in very severe cases, referral to a specialist pain clinic or possibly surgery.
About Sciatica
Sciatica, also called sciatic neuritis, sciatic neuralgia or lumbar radiculopathy is a set of symptoms including pain caused by compression of one of the five spinal nerve roots of each sciatic nerve, where they emerge from the spine in the lower back, or compression of the left or right or both sciatic nerves along their pathway to the lower limbs. Symptoms include low back pain, buttock pain, and numbness, tingling, “pins and needles”, pain or muscle weakness in various parts of the leg and foot. Typically, symptoms only present on one side of the body.
Sciatica may be due to compression of the sciatic nerve roots by a herniated (torn) or protruding disc in the lower back, spinal stenosis or compression/irritation of the sciatic nerve by other local structures, such as the piriformis muscle of the buttock.
Acupuncture for Back Pain & Sciatica
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence of the NHS recommends acupuncture for the treatment of non-specific chronic low back pain in adults (NICE Clinical Guideline 88, 2009).
The World Health Organization lists low back pain and sciatica as conditions/symptoms for which acupuncture has been shown in clinical trials to be an effective treatment (WHO, 2003).
Acupuncture can help back pain and sciatica sufferers by:
- Stimulating production of natural pain killers in the body (endorphins)
- Changing pain processing in the brain and spinal cord
- Improving muscle stiffness and increasing mobility by increasing local microcirculation
- Reducing inflammation and swelling
- Improving sciatic nerve blood flow
- Promoting regeneration and repair and improving conduction of the sciatic nerve
- Reducing the use of medication for back complaints
- Reducing stress and anxiety associated with painful complaints
Back pain in pregnancy – Acupuncture is safe for use in pregnancy and thus a helpful alternative to medication in providing relief from back and pelvic pain in pregnancy.
See also:
Treating Back Pain & Sciatica
“Low back pain is among the most common conditions treated with acupuncture in the UK and acupuncture can be very effective…..that’s why the NHS recommends acupuncture for the treatment of non-specific low back pain.
Depending on your condition, your treatment for back pain will likely start with therapeutic massage. During the treatment I may use both traditional and contemporary types of acupuncture, to help address the underlying imbalances which contributed to the cause of your back pain and to help provide you with pain relief. If appropriate I may also use ear acupuncture techniques to help increase your pain relief between treatments.
Low back pain affects almost half of us at some time in our lives. Whilst it is not usually serious, it can be very painful and debilitating. The best way to avoid getting back pain is to keep your back and abdominal muscles toned and strong. Regular yoga or pilates can improve your flexibility and strengthen your back muscles.”
Maciocia, G. 2005. The Practice of Chinese Medicine. Lower back-ache and sciatica. 605-630. Churchill Livingstone
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence clinical guideline 88 – Low back pain. (May 2009)
World Health Organization. Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials (2003), 87pp. Full report
Research Fact Sheets
For more information see the British Acupuncture Council Research Fact Sheet below.
“I went to see Judy after a recent back injury. Her treatment has helped me make a complete recovery and I would highly recommend her. “
“Judy. Many thanks for all your kindness and for sorting me out with my magic ear studs.”
“I first discovered Chinese massage on a cruise boat on the Yangtze river when I visited China and was so impressed with how it helped my aches and pains that I immediately searched for someone who could do this when I got home. Luckily I found Judy with her clinic in Crowborough right on my doorstep. As a horse rider I have had many knocks and falls over the years and had been suffering from whiplash for the last 2 years. Judy recommended combining the massage with acupuncture and it has helped so much with great results. For the first time in over 2 years my neck is now pain free.
I cannot thank Judy enough for the help and relief her treatments have given me. It is a holistic treatment for the whole body that leaves you with a true feeling of wellbeing and relaxation.”
“I have suffered from skeletal problems from childhood, I went to see Judy following a recommendation. My first treatment made such a difference to my wellbeing that I booked a course of Acupuncture. I have continued to visit Judy during the Autumn and Winter months each year, The treatments have made a huge difference to the quality of my life. I would recommend Judy without reserve”
“Just a few acupuncture sessions with Judy and what a relief. She has helped ease the severe pain from a trapped nerve, the result of a spinal injury many years ago.
I wasn’t sure about acupuncture, but with Judy’s expertise I am a true believer now. Thank you Judy.”
“Dear Judy, I just wanted to tell you that my back is amazing…..better than it has been for years! Thank you.”
I have been receiving acupuncture treatment from Judy for just over a year, primarily for mobility and pain relief. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson since 2002.
I no longer take pain relief medication before getting out of bed in the mornings and my mobility is improving with every treatment.
Having discussed my condition with Judy, we decided on a course of treatment which has worked remarkably well.
I find her easy to talk to and a good listener. She inspires confidence in you as a patient
Judy is very knowledgeable and experienced. I would highly recommend her. Rating: *****!
Hi Judy. Thanks for your work yesterday, I actually feel great and have been able to move much more easily and with less pain.
“Whatever you did on my back at the last acupuncture treatment has really worked a treat. I am feeling a lot better….a lot more ‘up’ generally and full of the joys of Spring! The pain in my back has eased. This has made a huge difference to me.”
“I have been seeing Judy for a long standing back problem. I have a bulge on a disc and some compression problems causing sciatica.
The pain being worse after long walks and when lying down at night. Judy has used a combination of massage and acupuncture to give me pain relief. I can actually feel my spinal muscles relaxing as the needles are placed. After a treatment I feel so much better, more mobile, relaxed and energised. My legs feel much lighter after the treatment and I certainly sleep better without the pain.
Many thanks for my treatment yesterday. I felt no pain all night – bliss, and managed to do plenty of walking round London today. You really hit the spot!”
“I am delighted with the treatment you have given me, my back hasn’t felt this good in twenty years!”