Jeanette B, Retired Teacher, Crowborough
Acupuncture for Chronic Illness
"Judy has been treating me for about 4 years. I had a routine operation several years ago but after several months was not recovering well. This was the beginning of what turned out to be a long journey back to health and included visits to several consultants with a string of symptoms, common to many illnesses, that made diagnosis difficult. My energy levels were very low, and having done a little research on alternative treatments , I decided to try acupuncture. I used the internet to find a practitioner and chose Judy. It turned out to be an excellent choice. Judy listened carefully and treated the various symptoms including low energy levels, as they occurred which improved my quality of life as well as supported me through difficult times. Although I have since been given a diagnosis of AL amyloidosis and have had treatment to slow down its progress, Judy's treatment has been, and is, so helpful in giving relief with the symptoms. I have also felt empowered by her treatments and the sessions have contributed much to my wellbeing."